Hot water systems are one of the biggest energy users in the home, accounting for around 21 percent of total energy use (on average, according to YourHome).This can have a significant impact on household energy bills, but one way to keep these costs under control is to install an efficient hot water system such as a heat pump or solar hot water system.
Solar hot water and heat pump hot water systems use less energy to heat water at home and can be run from renewable energy. Installing a more efficient solar hot water or heat pump hot water system can help reduce greenhouse emissions and energy bills. On average, households that install solar hot water systems can expect to save between $140-$400 per year on their electricity bills.
Solar Victoria is making it easier for existing customers to access incentives when they move house. If you received a hot water rebate at your old address and have moved house, you can now apply for multiple incentives for the property you have moved to. This includes a solar PV rebate and loan, hot water rebate, and battery loan if you meet the eligibility criteria below. You must be living in the property as your primary place of residence to apply.
As a Victorian householder, you could receive a hot water rebate if you meet
the following criteria:
Householders cannot receive the same Solar Homes rebate more than once. For example, if a householder has previously received a hot water rebate, they cannot receive another hot water rebate for the same property.
Once you’re confident that you and your property meet the eligibility criteria, you can start the application process.