Fair Value Solar backs all its systems with “Whole of System” warranty for 5 years independent from and
in addition to the Product warranties provided by the component manufacturers.
If your system suffers a fault or defect in the first five years of operation and this fault or defect is in relation to the products supplied or the installation workmanship, then Fair Value Solar will rectify your system at no cost to you. Fair Value Solar will repair any such default or defect notified to us within the warranty period, including by replacing all or part of the system where necessary, within a reasonable timeframe at no cost to you.
If there is any fault or defect after 5 years from the day of installation, you can still rely on the product warranties provided by component manufacturers supplied with the system. We will provide reasonable assistance to you in making any warranty claim against the manufacturer of the System. Product warranty documents are available at www.fairvaluesolar.com.au